Thursday, January 8, 2009

Minor White's Pacific, Devil's Slide 1947

I came across the following excerpt from Robert Adam's Beauty In Photography. It is a commentary on Minor White's photographs of the Ocean. I think it speaks to the reason a lot of individuals are photographically drawn to the sea.

White's choice of the ocean as subject was for him exactly right. Its appearance, closely observed, is hypnotic: who can be uninterested in so delicate a light, or the power of waves on rock, or the immensity of the whole view? White's pictures come to more, however than just these geographic facts, as anyone who has walked the beach almost knows they must. The ocean by virtue of its size and apparent emptiness, invites attention outward from our petty landscapes, away from ourselves. The sea is too vast to understand and to awesome to avoid; it attracts us at it offers a final liberation from human scale. (Adams, Beauty in Photography, p92)

On another note- I finally got to surf after about a week of dreadful flatness. It was pretty desperado as the swell angle was too east, the tide too high and the wave too weak. Still good to loosen up a bit and enjoy the feel of salt and the smell of the sea. hopefully some quality surf is not to far off.

1 comment:

Erik Olson said...

Striking photo, I hadn't seen that before. I grew up a few blocks from "Devil's Slide" so it's neat to see this. Thanks for sharing.