Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ants marching

At times, when I observe surfer's habits and behaviors in and around the water I can't help but see the connection with different animal species. Whether they resemble a colony of ants carrying a load as they walk boards in hand down a trail, or that school of fish phenomena that occurs when someone in the lineup twitches a muscle to paddle to the outside for a set and within a split second the whole school follows scratching for the the horizon.


Unknown said...

Well put, and well observed.

Rory Landon Aronson said...
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Rory Landon Aronson said...

Ah Beacons, my home beach. I really like this photo of yours. Locals can tell where it was taken but anyone else, there isn't quite enough detail.

Mar Hirtzel said...

That is so funny; I always call that the ant trail. Especially, when you are sitting in the water and each board with a pair of legs sticking is so far in the distance that they seem like small ants coming to "share" your food. I would rather keep those waves to myself thank you ;)